Important kitchen amenities to make your short term rental property stand out from the crowd

Generally speaking, it is often the amenities a property contains that make it desirable to potential guests. In this blog post, we are going to cover some amenities in the kitchen and what makes them important to your clients.

It’s a well-documented fact that when people are considering vacation rentals, one of the rooms they emphasize is the kitchen. Guests routinely rate kitchens in a subpar manner if there is not adequate kitchen equipment available. Below are some of the necessities any well stocked property should be sure to have.

Utensils and Small Kitchen Appliances

Silverware – It is paramount to have enough forks, knives, and spoons so that each potential guest has their own set. A good rule of thumb to have at least four more complete sets of silverware than the number of beds your property lists as available. If your property is advertised as sleeping eight guests, you should have at least 12 complete sets of silverware. It also isn’t a bad idea to have some disposable plastic silverware on hand in case your guests head out after breakfast and forget to run the dishwasher.

Knives – A lot of guests like to BBQ on the grill when they are staying in a vacation home. It is important to have a good set of steak knives in addition to the knives that come with a traditional table setting available for your guests. A solid set of kitchen knives should be readily available as well so that any chopping or carving needs can be easily taken care of while preparing meals.

Glassware — Do not short the number or quality of wine glasses. Have a sufficient number to service all tables settings. Use an all-purpose, nice quality glass. Not too expensive (they break), but not a small glass that inhibits enjoyment. An adequate amount of plastic glassware, general purpose and wine, is also important for our beach and pool settings.

Other Important Accessories – A quality coffee maker is important. PMI will provide the first morning coffee and filter supplies. Be sure to have bottle openers and corkscrews available, along with a full set of pots and pans, serving platters, and storage containers for any leftovers. A meat thermometer is also a very important item to have available. Crockpots, food processors, blenders, rice cookers, and air fryers are all greatly appreciated by guests. Take some time and look around your kitchen at home. If there is something that would be hard to live without, make sure that all of those things are available for your guests in your PMI Destin-30A beach property.

Starter and Cleaning Supplies

Most guests want to keep their food preparation areas clean and tidy. We will ensure adequate starter supplies for dishwasher detergent, dish soap, dish towels, sponges, and garbage bags are available.

Extra Credit

Our goal is to make an impression and having a few complimentary items stocked up for your guests is a great idea. By spending a little bit of money, you can create a dramatic positive impression. PMI Destin-30A designs a welcome package for each property and guest make-up. Think beach tote, beach towel, and/or maybe opening the refrigerator to find water bottles, soda, and juice inside. Continental breakfast type items like muffins or doughnuts are great to have sitting on the counter when your guests arrive.

Remember that one of the best ways to book more ‘profitable’ days at your property is to earn repeat business. Referral business is also a key component. They say that sometimes the way to the heart is through the stomach. If your guests eat well while they are at your place, the odds are much greater that they will remember your PMI Destin-30A vacation and their time there fondly.
